

Oil on Canvas – 28×30.

Poster Reproductions available: 20×24.

Semi-glossy light weight paper stock.




Visions is designed to symbolize the “I Have a Dream” speech gave by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in front of the Lincoln Monument in Washington D.C. I believe that I captured excerpts of the speech where he said. “I’ve been to the mountain top” and while on the mountain top he conceived the idea that African Americans would have the same rights as White Americans and ”their children would one day play together”. The world would be desegregate and “all people would be considered equal, to live and work together, be creative, and make this world a better place together”.

The portrait, oil on canvas, 24″ x 28″, painted 1992, and reproduction is 20″x 24″ on Strathmore semi- glossy poster paper. Also, the image have been used as an illustration on the cover of the United Auto Workers Civil Rights Committee of Western NY programs, and as a trophy where the committee gave tribute to Rev. Dr. M.L King, during the National Holiday commemorating Dr. Kings Birthday celebrated in January.